My Latest Creation
My latest Art Studio creation is a drawing of Caillou, excited about going on his first fishing trip. I got the idea one night when mom and the hounds were having fish for dinner. I am always thinking of topics to email my mom about. I like to email my mom my thoughts because it's any easy way for me to tell her my ideas. I was thinking about the Popples and the hounds taking Caillou and his family on their first fishing trip that summer. I was wondering if they would enjoy the trip and how they would like their first fish dinner. Would they like it? Would they enjoy the trip? My picture is of what I imagined an excited Caillou would look like while he was thinking about that fishing trip.
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Helen (Thursday, 04 August 2016 19:37)
You sure are a good cartoonist. I hope he enjoyed the fishing and caught lots for dinner.